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Innovation workshop

Autamme sinua ideoimaan ja innovoimaan uusia ratkaisuja ennakkoluulottomasti ja asiakaslähtöisesti, oli kyse sitten kokonaan uuden luomisesta tai olemassa olevan toiminnan kehittämisestä.

Do you want to involve your customers and stakeholders in innovation? Does innovation feel challenging because there isn’t enough time to organise and think about methods? Work with us to implement an engaging innovation workshop that results in something completely new. Where end results will be described in an understandable way and with all participants able to contribute. We help you brainstorm and innovate new solutions without prejudice and with a customer-centric approach, whether it’s creating something entirely new or improving your existing solutions.

Innovation workshop structure

The workshop is built around your business needs and aims creating new customer value. We can provide you with either a single day of innovation or help facilitate the entire innovation process from idea to concept. Our skilled facilitators support you so that you can focus entirely on ideation instead of facilitation and organising things.

The innovation workshop typically includes the following stages:

  1. Collaboratively defining the innovation challenge with you
  2. Initial assessment, which is conducted with workshop participants through interviews or surveys. If necessary, we will also conduct an initial assessment of customer needs.
  3. Analyzing the initial assessment and drawing conclusions to support the innovation workshop
  4. Designing the structure and methods for the innovation workshop based on the initial assessment, as well as producing the necessary presentation materials and instructions.
  5. Conducting the innovation workshop and facilitating it either live or virtually.
  6. A feedback survey for participants and analyzing the feedback after the workshop.
  7. Documenting the results of the innovation workshop and producing a summary report.
  8. A follow-up meeting with you to review the results of the innovation workshop.

The agenda for the workshop could look something like this:

  • Agenda, introductions, and participant expectations for the day (15 min)
  • Overview based on the initial assessment (15 min)
  • Generating new ideas in small groups / by theme (1.5 h)
  • Lunch break (45 min)
  • Grouping and voting on the most important ideas for further development (1 h)
  • Further developing the most important ideas in small groups, with a coffee break in between (1.5 h)
  • Presentations of the refined ideas, i.e. “small group sales pitches” (30 min)
  • Selection of the best ideas (30 min)
  • Next steps and conclusion of the day (15 min)

In a longer innovation process, we help you turn the best ideas into viable concepts. In concept development, we use customer-centric development methods and our service design expertise. We always tailor the concept development workshops to your needs.

Book a innovation workshop or ask for more information

    Contact Us!

    Consulting, CEO

    Elina Kervinen


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    Recruiting, freelance assignments

    Jutta Glad

    +358 40 540 86 64

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    Customer experience and sales

    Pauline Ranta

    +358 41 505 7255

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