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Agile Sales ®

A groudbreaking, new sales method based on innovative agile methodologies familiar from ICT business. Connect the customer needs to you expertise, grow revenue and inspire your sales team. And most importantly: turn your bids into euros.

What is wrong with sales?

Digitalisation and social media have made the sales pipeline more and more challenging and fragmented. No company can succeed without proper sales. To adapt to change, sales must transform as well. Sales have to be ready for tomorrow’s world.

In the domain of sales, success is measured in euros, and targets are reached by active sales work. Problems arise when the gap between daily work and targets starts growing. Sometimes the sales agents don’t know how to reach the targets and sales managers don’t know what sales agents are doing. Customer are left unattended.

Metrics from the past are not helping

Euros and pieces are only describing the past. They are not telling us why the way we worked failed or succeeded. Successes are based on some super performances. Sales agents get tired, the others frustrated.

Random offers

It has become increasingly easier to contact people, but converting leads to sales is becoming more difficult. Lead generation can result in shooting offers blindly, to masses, which in turn leads to volume over quality.

Could we instead learn from each other? Could you get in touch with your customer’s real challenges on day 1?

What if things were done differently?

Agile Sales is a powerful way to turn the wheel. Agile Sales combines agile ways of working and result-oriented sales. Agile principles make sense and are commonly used, and now we have harnessed those to boost sales and improve customer experience.

This is how you do it

  1. Create common long term goals and shared routines for the sales team.
  2. Work in short cycles (sprints) and set clear measurable goals for these cycles.
  3. Evaluate sprint results and process feedback from customers and the sales team weekly. Improve ways of working are every week.
  4. Challenge the old practices and create new ones by experimenting.
  5. Take into use participatory sales methods, which will help you in recognise the customer needs quicker.

End result: Transparency will increase. Identifying the customers needs and additional sales opportunities becomes easier. Offers are more spot-on. You will be to the road of success.

Win the competition with Agile Sales ® – before it is too late

Resilient companies, that had the courage to transform into agile, are the winners. Slower companies have died.

Now is the time to grab onto Agile Sales. Contact us, and we will help you transform your sales team into the new era.

Grow the performance of every sales agent, and learn how to react to the customer’s needs promptly!

Why Taskmill


Agile is our core service

We don’t sell a lukewarm service while riding on the agile wave. This has been at the forefront of our expertise from the beginning.


We implement change in plain language

We won’t just present slideshows from the ivory tower. We facilitate a change that you can feel and see.


Our wide-ranging experts

With +10 years of experience, each of us seamlessly combines operational and strategic expertise.

Get in touch, and we will tell you more!

    Contact Us!

    Consulting, CEO

    Elina Kervinen


    Book a call with us

    Recruiting, freelance assignments

    Jutta Glad

    +358 40 540 86 64

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